Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 7What is your location? *NextWhich of the following vocal styles would you prefer? *EnglishMathematicsEVSDrawingOtherPreviousNextHow would you like to attend your Prep Tuition Classes? *Tutor should travel to my homeI can travel to the Tutor’s homeI want Live Interactive online classes from TutorsPreviousNextWhat is the maximum fee that you are willing to pay? Selected Value: 500/hr Selecting higher fee will help you find a more experienced tutor.ORWhat is the maximum fee that you are willing to pay? Selected Value: 8000/Monthly Selecting higher fee will help you find a more experienced tutor.PreviousNextWhen do you plan to start Prep Tuition? *ImmediatelyWithin a monthNot sure, just want to look at optionsPreviousNextWhat days are you generally available to take classes? *Any DayWeek DaysWeekendDo you prefer any gender specific teacher? *MaleFemaleAnyPreviousNextName *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Address *Address Line 1CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeLet few interested Teachers call me.I agree to Terms & ConditionsTerms & Conditions for Parents & Students 1. Registration Fee is RS 1000 for 1 Child. This is apart from monthly Fee. This is One time -Life time applicable for same child (Subject to Continuation of tuition, break shouldn’t be maximum 6 Months) 2. As a matter of safety practices & caution of our tutor, We require ID & Address proof of student’s father or mother and photo of student in school uniform. 3. Any fee paid is NOT REFUNDABLE/ NOT ADJUSTABLE in any case. 4. If student does not like the tutor in the 1st demo class, then we will give 2nd and last replacement of tutor. 5. Tuition fee will be collected in advance on every month by our executive or online transfer. Tutors are not authorized for collection of tuition fee. You can not hire a tutor directly with whom you have taken a trial class and or rejected and or stopped services from the same tutor after hiring for next 2 years from the stop date of the tuition. If we found you hired, there is a penalty of 10 times of the tuition value per month or Rs.40,000 (Whichever is higher-Parents have to pay) Otherwise ProTutors/Professionals will take legal action on Parents/Student & expenses will bear by Parents/Students only. 6. Please collect one self attested copy of ID/Address proof from the tutor (After 1 day demo and final confirmation of tutor). 7. If you are a parent, stay at home for the duration of the tutoring session. If you are a student, it is a good safety practice to not be alone at home in case the teacher is not well known to you. 8. Student/parent has to give confirmation after 1 day demonstration about that tutor. Student has to continue atleast 1 month with that tutor. 9. Only those classes will be replaced/cover by the tutor, which classes are cancelled/postponed by the tutor. If the leave is from parent’s side then the tutor will not be responsible for it. 10. If you refer 2 students for regular home tuitions than we will give you 10% discount in your tuition fee for coming continuous 4 months tuition fee. 11. You understand that Pro Tutors will find a tutor that best suitable your child’s requirement but it does not guarantee any success of any kind in any examination or test that your child may undertake. 12. You understand that home tutors need to be treated with respect and dignity. 13. You understand that the final decision to choose a particular tutor for your child is yours and yours alone. You explicitly agree to indemnify Pro Tutors from any harm that may be caused by any advertent or inadvertent actions of the tutor. In such cases legal course of action of account of victims shall be applicable to accused. 14. Pro Tutors, reserves the right to change the Terms & Conditions anytime time without prior notice and you will be bound by these terms of e as updated or modified. REFUND POLICY:- 1. Registration fee is valid for 7 days from your date of registration fee paid, If you have a gap of more than 7 days from date of registration, your registration becomes invalid & you have to deposit again the registration fee to start the tuition. 2. In case you attempt to pay directly to tutor Or connect/communicate with tutor or directly engage with tutor then remaining classes will stop and paid amount would be forfeited and payment will not be refunded. 3. In case you change your mind regarding home tuition after taking demo class or do not take a demo class, your advance amount will not be refunded, since our team have done lot of effort in matching a tutor for you. 4. After demo classes of 2 days, you have to confirm about the tutor & after confirmation of tutor you have to pay remaining amount of Fee for that tuition. Otherwise we holds the right to stop the tuition and hold the advance payment. TERMS OF USE:- By access and use of (“Website”) or the use of any of the Content or Services on, you agree to be bound by these terms of use .lf you do not agree with these terms of Use, please do not access and use this website. For the purpose of these Terms of Use, we”, “our” and “us” shall mean Pro Tutors and “you” and ‘your” refers to the user or viewer of our Website. It may be a tutor and parent (both as defined below), who meets the eligibility criteria set out below 1. TERMS AND CONDITIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE We reserve the right to update or modify these terms of use at any time without prior notice. Your access and use of this website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by these Terms of Use as updated or modified. 2. SAFETY PRACTICE FOR PARENTS .Request the teacher for a copy of ID proof. .Take precautions as you would for anyone outside of family/friends in your house-keeping away valuables, not disclosing unnecessary personal information etc. Conduct the tutoring session in the common area, living or drawing room. If its in the students room, you can keep the doors open or drop in to check once or twice. Take feedback from your child about the tutor. We would also be happy if you could share feedback about tutor with us- either positive or negative. Ultimately, all hiring decisions are up to your discretion. Please make sure you have done your research and feel comfortable with the Pro Tutors or tutor before hiring for home tuitions. 3. SAFETY PRACTICE FOR TUTORS 1. Ultimately, all Joining decisions are up to your discretion. Please make sure you have done your research and feel comfortable with the student, parents or any individual before joining any tuition job. 2. You understand and agree that you will teach the student if and only if at least one parent is present in the house. 4. Provide true information. if you are using our platforms/website, you represent that you are of legal age (Minimum18 years) to form a binding contract. You also agree to provide true, accurate, current and complete information with best of your knowledge, belief and you have not concealed or misrepresented any fact there in registration data about yourself while registering on our website to avail our any of the services & in case we found that any information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, Pro Tutors reserve the right to terminate your account anytime without informing you and refuse any and all current or future use of our website 5. USE OF WEBSITE. You agree and acknowledge that we are only an aggregator of the tutors and do not have ntrol in any manner whatsoever over any transaction that is undertaken between a parent and a tutor. There are risks, which you assume when dealing with tutors/ parents as the case may be, and the same shall be borne by you. The website is a venue only and we may not screen or otherwise control all the listings offered to you. We shall not mediate or attempt to get involved in and resolve any disputes or disagreements between tutors and parents. 6. DEBIT/ CREDIT CARD DETAILS You agree, understand and confirm that the credit card details provided by you for registering as a parent or tutor on this website will be correct and accurate and you shall not use the credit card which is not lawfully owned by you. Further the said information will not be utilized and shared by us with any of the third parties unless required by law, regulation or court order. 7. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION You agree that we may at any time terminate your access to our Website or restrict or suspend your access of the website at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability. TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR TUTORS & TEACHERS 1. Total Registration fees is Rs.250. (Non refundable in any case). 2. Please make sure for switch off/silent mobile at the time of taking tuitions. 3. Tutor must be providing the self attested copy of ID/Address proof to the every new client. 4. The collection of payment is solely Pro Tutors responsibility. We will not give advance fees to tutor, the payment will be made to tutor after class completion. Tutor Payment will process in Tutor’s Bank Account Or Googlepay after 30 days(from Starting date)+ 2 working days(for processing). 5. You dont have to take/ discuss or negotiate about tuition fee directly from the client. Tutor will not indulge in any direct dealing with customer/parents provided by Pro Tutors and tutor will not share details of payment structure/commission sharing with clients,if you do such kind of activity A. you will be terminated & all due payment/fees forfeited by us. B. Tutor have to pay penalty of 10 times of the per month tuition fee or Rs.40,000 (Whichever is higher). Otherwise Protutors/Professionals will take legal action on tutor & expenses will bear by tutor only. 6. Tutors are not authorized to take any tuition referred by the existing client of Pro Tutors/professional. 7. Tutors will have to give demo of 2 days on every tuition. 8. Tutors have to continue atleast one month otherwise we will not pay any amount. We will not give any amount if tuition get discontinue between the month. 9. Saving bank account is mandatory because payment will be transferred in tutors bank account. 10. We will charge 50% of the first month tuition fee. We will deduct again of same tuition which restarts in new session. 11. You will not take any leave without giving prior information to parents/clients by phone/mobile (Don’t use Whats App or SMS to inform). Tutor leave should be compensated by giving extra time on sunday/ other day. 12. If you refer 2 friends for registration as a tutor than you will be rewarded by Rs.200. 13. Registration does not mean any guarantee of tuition. 14. The actual tuition fees & disclosed fee to you, can be differ due to the reason of service charge, reference schemes for clients & other business expenses. 15. Teachers will not concern about the tuitions fee/Salary, which we are charging from the parents. 16. We will pay you the combined pay of Feb & March month at the end of March and if the tuition discontinue with in month of Start, then ProTutors will release/pay the tutor’s share after 7 working days of completion of tuition. 17. Calculation for the month payment will be based on number of days, classes you have taken. 18. Pro Tutors shall not reimburse the tutor expenses like petrol, parking ticket or any other out of pocket expenses. 19. Tutor will not, during this agreement or termination of this agreement or for a period of one year, either directly or indirectly call or meet any of the customers/clients provided by the Protutors and bypasses us; it will be treat as breach of trust. In such cases, tutor will be liable to pay a sum of Rs.5000 to Pro Tutors. 20. You authorize Pro Tutors to collect payment on your behalf in consideration of the home tuition delivered. You agree that all the tax liability for this payment is yours only. 21. You understand and agree that the relationship between Pro Tutors and tutor will not be considered as an employer and employee relation. 22. Tutor should not be involved/arrested in any criminal activity/other case in present or past. 23. You (Tutor) understand that the final decision to choose a particular student for tuition is yours and yours alone and agree that you will teach the student if and only if at least one parent is present in the house. Any misconduct, misbehavior, molestation, bad Character complaint during tuitions hours shall be intolerable. Any such activity done shall be teacher responsibility. 24. Pro Tutors shall not be responsible for the same under any consequences. In such cases legal course of action of account of victims shall be applicable to accused. 25. Pro Tutors, reserves the right to Change the terms& conditions anytime time without prior notice and you will be bound by these terms of Use as updated or modified.PreviousGet A Quote Now